Friday, December 19, 2008

Tiger, Tiger
Yet Another Reason To Live In Chicago

I can't take credit for originally digging this video up. Thank Fark for that. However, this lady is the hottest mess I have seen in my short little life. I give you Miss Cheetah:

She's a really special brand of crazy - the kind that gives me a stiffy out of sheer terror. If I lived in Chicago, I would let her into my house and give her a bigass kitty-bed in my room. We'd eat Chinese food and drink the occasional "nice glass of wine" out of empty zebra skulls by the light of the savanna moon. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeowwww! She could even bring her "baby," Frida, the blue shorthair. I don't care that she's a single mom. I've got two kitties of my own, so she can just bring her fine ass over here, and we'll make ourselves a feline Brady Bunch.

Tell you what, though: I am NOT scooping her box. That's Alice's job.

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