Monday, June 28, 2010

The Zombification of Ms D.

I began taking Lexapro on June 12th, 2010.

How is it? Well, it's ok, I guess. It's not going to massively alter the course of my life, make me get down on my knees, and praise the pharmaceutical industry, but it's an interesting buzz, to say the least.

I won't go into the reasons why I need an antidepressant in the first place. That's the boring part. Suffice it to say that the last 15 years of my life have been steeped in the noxious brew of morbid depression. I can't remember a day - however pleasant - that wasn't tinged with internal suffering. Not one.

Drugs make sense to me. Happy pills. I don't recoil from the idea of taking a drug every day for the rest of my life, if it relieves my pain. Don't assume that I hadn't tried antidepressants before.

Paxil: I took it for about 8 days. It gave me outrageous mood swings. I would feel NOTHING -
NOTHING - for 2 days, and wail like a tempest on the third. No thank you.

Celexa: The stuff is inert.

Prozac: No improvement. Headaches.

Zoloft: Felt like I'd been eating cotton wool. Headaches. I had an episode of suicidal ideation, but I don't imagine that's the drug's fault, as I have those once a year or so.

Lamictal: By this point, I was beginning to think that SSRI's weren't for me. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer and anticonvulsant with an off-label use for depression. Despite all the hype, it never did a thing for me. I took it for 10 months, hoping for a breakthrough that never came. No side effects, though.

Wellbutrin: Not a bad drug, overall. It worked for about two years, until it started provoking my anxiety to the point that I couldn't even go grocery shopping without freaking out. Also, it made my hands shake so badly that I couldn't properly use a soup spoon.

It's people like me who keep big pharma in business. *sigh*

Anyway, on to Lexapro.

I tried it at the behest of my beloved boyfriend. He takes the stuff himself, and appears to benefit from it. The poor man can't stand to watch me suffer. Seeing as it's one of the few antidepressants I hadn't tried yet, I decided to give it a whirl, with a 10mg starting dose.

It was WAAAAAAAAAY too much. I've never felt so awful in my life. I felt like I'd taken an experimental party drug instead of a pharmaceutical. It came on with a rush, like ecstasy. About an hour after I took it, I began to peak. My pupils were the size of saucers. My jaw clenched, and my body shivered as if I couldn't get warm. I began to panic as I felt myself unable to swallow, due to a lump rising in my throat. I felt nauseated and restless, yet I couldn't stop yawning. As for my mood, I was too frightened to notice any improvement. I spent the day in the bathroom while my GI tract purged its entire contents and spasmed abortively for hours afterward.

About 10 hours into that ordeal, I took a Xanax so I could sleep it off.

I almost didn't take Lexapro the next day. It took some pretty dedicated begging on Greg's part to get me to stay on the bandwagon. I agreed to half the dose - 5mg of Lexapro instead of 10mg. Again the symptoms returned, albeit somewhat lighter than the night before. I also felt incredibly spacey. I asked Greg the same question a few times in a row. I went between the living room and the bedroom a few times, forgetting each time why I had visited that part of the apartment. Pepto bismol took care of the GI symptoms. I was apparently very chatty.

Now, almost 3 weeks later, I'm still taking 5mg a day. Most of the physical symptoms have subsided, thank god. As for my mood, I am definitely seeing a change.

Like many people with long-term depression, I'm not the first to notice positive change. Greg assures me that despite a rough start, I seem a lot more tranquil all of a sudden. Less prone to "freak out" at the drop of a hat.

I'll agree with that. There's been a few instances in the past week where a certain chain of events (or "trigger," if you will)
should have sent me into a wretched frenzy, but just . . . didn't. In short, my emotions feel shallow. I can see them playing across the surface of my mind, but I can't dive in. That goes for the positive ones as well. My affect has been flattened.

I'm not sure how I like that. I've always identified as an "intense" person, capable of exalted emotional highs, as well as marrow-sucking lows. We'll have to see how the next few weeks play out. Perhaps, after the drug stabilizes, the peaks will come back. Or, perhaps, the drug will teach me subtlety, and reset my emotional zenith and nadir somewhere closer to planet earth.

We'll just have to see. But for now, it's working.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Shut up, raw vegan foodies. Just shut the fuck up. I am so sick of your religious fervor for the meatless "lifestyle."

Look at my incisors. They were made for ripping flesh off the bone. I am an omnivore by design, and a carnivore in my heart of hearts. Therefore, meat is my divine right.

Vegetarianism is stupid. Veganism is even worse. Plants have their place, but nothing beats the taste of blood. Give me a steak, lightly seared, so the inside is still cool and purple. I want to feel the texture of the muscle. That's food for life, right there, protein and vitamins and the unmatched satiety that comes from knowing: "Yes, I am at the top of the food chain! I am Human, destroyer of cows!"

Give me the roasted femur of some flightless fowl, and I'll gnaw it like a starved cavewoman. Look at that, the bone fits right in my sticky little hand. Fuck tofu, this shit is portable.

Hey PETA, you see a "sea kitten," and I sea food. Gut that gorgeous little bastard! Filet 'im while he's still gasping for air. Don't bother with the pots and pans. Just give him to me sushi style so I can rub wasabi into his squirming flesh and pick at him sliver by sliver like a finicky cat.

It is my goal in life to eat as many different kinds of animal as I possibly can before I die. I want to eat a fucking zoo. Hell, if it weren't illegal, and I weren't afraid of prion disease, I'd probably eat a human, too.

Is it wrong that I get a little turned on by the taste of blood?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

They Don't Really Have 100 Legs


I'm a huge fan of horror films - especially foreign ones. Sure, we Americans have a dozen splatter and "torture porn" flicks to choose from in any given year. You can't beat the USA for volume. (How many Saw sequels have they made now?) However, when it comes to films so abhorrent and deranged, they induce a sensation of mindrape that leaves the viewer trembling for hours, I can think of a few cultures that churn out better material than we do. Anyone who has seen Audition or Oldboy will agree with me.

We can add the Dutch to that list now. They've officially earned a permanent place in the Fucked-Up Hall of Fame.

The Human Centipede is written and directed by Dutch filmmaker Tom Six. It is easily the most repulsive piece of cinema I've ever encountered. For that, I respect and congratulate the man.

Critics, of course, don't know what to make of the film. Roger Ebert even went so far as to give it ZERO STARS. Not because he hated it, but because its excruciating depiction of Sadism and suffering transcended his rating system: "
I am required to award stars to movies I review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."

Mr. Ebert does a far better job reviewing the film than I can. This post is merely to express my approval, and increase awareness that such a movie exists.

I highly recommend this film to any horror fan for whom the old tropes have worn thin and copious blood 'n guts fails to impress. Do not venture into this film lightly. The Human Centipede is serious shock cinema. It's not "so bad, it's good" or "so over the top, it's funny." You've been warned.

I will only add that Dieter Laser is now one of my top five favorite actors of all time. I've never seen a malevolent pervert played so pitch perfectly. Mr. Laser commits to the role, and doesn't let up for a second. To remember his performance, 24 hours later, still makes the hackles raise on the back of my neck. It's seriously scary stuff, kids!

Oh, and despite the nauseating surgical/scatological premise, a surprising amount of grue is left to the viewer's imagination. That's mighty clever filming. I would not, however, call it an act of mercy towards the audience. Tom Six knows that you and I will fill in the visual blanks FAR more distastefully than he, the director, ever could.

I, for one, love this film. It is the ONLY film to date to make me lose my appetite while watching
it. I'm serious, guys. I couldn't eat my dinner. And it wasn't even something like chunky beef stew, or pasta marinara! It was a green salad, for christsake.

If you think you can handle it, watch it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Mell of a Hess

Very well, gentle readers. I see that you want an explanation of where I've been, and who I've been doing. Very well. For now, I shall give you the facts.

- Yes, the rumors are true. I was married to this guy Zack for a year or so.

- Zack and I divorced. He has a new life now, as well as a kid. Amazing, considering how he always told me how much he hated children. I don't have to rag on my ex husband. I'm sure his daily life is hell enough.

- I dropped out of Wash U. I wasn't enjoying my time there. Wasn't good for me. I think the stress shaved about half a decade off my life expectancy.

- I've been living by my wits and wiles ever since.

- I'll be going to mortuary college in about a year. I want to become a Mortician. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

- Las Vegas is my current base of operations.

- I'll be moving back to Saint Louis for a few months in August . . . so my friend can finish his degree.

- I feel like such a tool for facebook linking my ex husband. I want you all to know that.

- I am now an F cup. Haters can suck it. I love my big fake tits, and no one can spoil that for me. You will worship them, or get the fuck out. Ridiculous rack FOR THE WIN.

- My breasts weigh 2lbs each now. I subtract that when i weigh myself.

- My cat died. I'll do a memorial post when I can look at his pics and not cry.

- I got a new cat to fill the void. He's probably the messiest animal I've ever cared for. We nicknamed him "Puppy Cat" because he eats like a Labrador, wags his tail when pleased, and is easily 16lbs. Bigass tom cat. His name is Forest. I named him after Forest Whittaker, because he's big, black, cuddly, and has a messed-up eye. YA RLY

- Brazil nuts are loaded with selenium.

- I recently went to disneyland and rode all the thrill rides at least twice. I also proposed to Greg. Like I said, more on this later, with video.

Comments/questions are highly encouraged. I miss my old readership.